
Currently, Reviews on the Yelp Business Page are NOT WORKING….

Because of this unfortunate issue that apparently even the Yelp “tech support” don’t understand, I have decided to take the reviews I received (and got removed for no reason) and post them here:


A couple of these reviews I was lucky enough to screenshot BEFORE they got “unrecommended” by the Yelp “algorithm,” others are the either from Google Review, or were just RANDOMLY selected as NOT USEFUL for my business’s Yelp Ad page…because everyone knows nobody looks at the reviews, right?  🙄😤:
.—————————————————————————– Professional Photographers of America Yes Logo

I was “LUCKY” enough to snap a couple of screenshots of a couple of the reviews while they were still “recommended”:

And of course the Google Reviews 🙂 :

Finally, just some really nice texts sent to me by clients, or to my mom by family members🥰


Thank you all for your kind words! Please continue leaving reviews and feedback on Yelp, and of course, in the COMMENTS SECTION BELOW. Also, please feel free to voice any negative feedback as well, as I would like to be able to remedy whatever you found to be an issue. The primary goal of Sventography Studios is to allow an enjoyable experience for ALL customers!


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